Animation: The Top 15 Global Brands (2000-2018) Time travel back to the early-2000s, and a list of the world’s most respected brands might be surprising. Top 15 Best Global Brands Ranking (2000-2020) Category Education; Show more Show less. These 100 well-known names span 16 countries and 19 industries, with U.S. Tech firms dominating the top ranks Found in 1908, Converse is a global brand focusing on sports wear, apparel, shoes, equipment and much more. Established in 2004, Alcatel-Lucent is French based smartphone organization, having a strong global name in top mobile brands. The company has an employee strength of 2500+ and since 2003 it is a part of global … In 2006 Alcatel was merged to US based company Lucent to form Alcatel-Lucent enterprise. The position per brand is based on the number of listings, the position per ranking and the importance of a certain ranking (global, continental, national). Les marques répondant aux critères d’inclusion ont été évaluées chaque année à l’aide … By: SyncForce. Brand Sustainability (15) Brand Value (70) Customer Satisfaction (35) Human Resources (18) Social Media (42) RankingTheBrands top 100 | 2020. The Ranking The Brands … Image: maxpixel . Converse is one the leading sports wear brands with a strong product offering. Tobacco company Marlboro is still one of the top 15 global brands with a value of $22 billion, while companies like Nokia and AT&T also help to round out the group. Time : 5 mn 42 / [1] Synopsis : L’animation vidéo présente le comparatif des 15 plus grandes marques mondiales de 2000 à 2018 par ordre de valeur. This merger was done … Overall ranking based on all Ranking The Brands listings. Top 10 Best Sports Brands 2020 with Ranking Parameters (Revenue) : 10.Converse. Top Best Mobile Phone Brands Ranking 2020 with Parameters (Shipment, Sales, Profit): 10. Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Alcatel-Lucent . Image: company website. Top 15 Best Global Brands Ranking | Classement animé des 15 plus grandes marques mondiales de 2000 à 2018 [Vidéo] Publié par Aphadolie.