Met T-Mobile Thuis kijk je GRATIS naar de ontknoping van de Eredivisie! The 30-minute programmes will feature a mix of short form sports videos, including biking, motocross, surfing, tennis and football. Wel kun je bij Tele2 kiezen voor Ziggo Sport Totaal, waar je bijvoorbeeld ook de Champions League en bekerduels kunt zien. FOX Sports bij Tele2.
FOX Sports bij T-Mobile. Breid je internet en TV pakket uit met Ziggo Sport bij Tele2! The… Fox was already in the Netherlands between 1998 and 2001 that has been rebrandend by Veronica.The current channel launched on 19 August 2013. Kijk zo alle dagen van de week naar tennis, golf, formule1, voetbal en meer bij Tele2.

Fox is a Dutch free-to-air television channel owned by Eredivisie Media & Marketing CV in which Fox Networks Group Benelux has a 51% share. The European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of Tele2 NL by T-Mobile NL. Tele2 is sinds september 2016 gestopt met het aanbieden van FOX Sports. TV Online cu Programe Tv Romanesti, Meciuri pe Canale Sport live Online, Liga 1 in Direct pe Telekom Sport, Posturi de Televiziune Sopcast, ProTV Online With a multiyear contract in place, FOX Sports will be providing high-end international sports content to their viewers, using Red Bee’s multi-tenant IP-based Global MCR Platform in Hilversum. Fox Sports has agreed a programming deal with The QYou to deliver Q-Sport episodes across Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey and Israel. The channel has a line-up consisting of television series, sporting events and films.
Bij T-Mobile ontvang je bij elk TV-pakket standaard de zender FOX Sports 1.