ACE. LOB. Ontbrekende woorden kun je aan de webmaster vragen en desgewenst online plaatsen. Common Football Terms to Know. A. Aerials: Freestyle ski jumping involving flipping in the air. Puzzelhulp Staat je antwoord er niet bij of heb je een vraag waarbij het puzzelwoordenboek geen hulp kan bieden? ZET; Paarsgekleurde woorden zijn afkomstig uit het Dr. Verschuyl Puzzelwoordenboek. Weather vocabulary words! NET. Tag: Sportterm. Sports starting with A-Z? RUN. SET. MAT. Behalve voor het vertalen van woorden, kun je bij ons ook terecht voor synoniemen, puzzelwoorden, rijmwoorden, werkwoordvervoegingen en dialecten. We hebben 15 resultaten gevonden voor Sportterm met 9 letters in het puzzelwoordenboek. In de finale neemt het gastland het op tegen West-Duitsland. KÜR. CRICKET TERM 'CRICKET TERM' is a 11 letter phrase starting with C and ending with M Crossword clues for 'CRICKET TERM' Clue Answer; Cricket term (6) NO-BALL: Cricket term (7) DECLARE: State formally (7) State emphatically (7) Cricket term (7) DOT BALL: Cricket term (4) OVER ___ the top (4) Apres-Ski: Time spent in the bar after a day of skiing. Not as fine as real snow. A-Acrobatics, aquatics, athletics, archery, arm. TRY. Your job is to write down as many letters as you can remember after they disappear. Print out this page and use it as your data sheet. PAT. Alpine Skiing: Downhill as opposed to Nordic skiing or Telemark skiing. The subcategories of this category are for articles on specific terms. OUT. Adaptive Learning / Fuel Trim. 1 januari 2018 7 januari 2018 door Lars'sportkanaal. To keep up, it’s useful to know what terms like down, extra point, safety, and snap mean. Het Wereldkampioenschap voetbal in Engeland zit er bijna op. LET. Scattergories and Words Starting with Certain Letters. What’s the weather like today? A few letters will flash on your computer monitor for 3 seconds. Fuel trim is a two-part adaptive strategy that adjusts fuel injector pulse width (open time) to adapt to wear, defects, or changes in the system. 3 letters. Formats Short Term Disability Appeal Letter excel word pdf doc xls blank Tips: Use the horizontal and vertical lines to conform with other design elements, Use the flow or social media sites inspire you to find a design you love and Treat content with strong rhythm with the same design style strong. BYE. Down: A period of action that starts when the ball is put into play and ends when the ball is ruled dead (meaning that the play is completed). The two parts of a computer fuel trim adaptive strategy are short term fuel trim STFT (additive) and … We keren terug naar 1966. is een onafhankelijk privé-initiatief, gestart in 2004. Air-to-Fakie: This is a half pipe trick where you approach the wall riding forward, no rotation is made in the air, and you land riding backwards. Football fans have their own language when they talk about the game. Learn useful weather terms with pictures and examples to improve and increase your vocabulary words in English. Sportterm van de week: technologie in het voetbal. Weather is the state of the atmosphere, describing for example the degree to which it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. TEE. Artificial Snow: Man-made snow. Wiki User 2014-07-29 17:03:53. 14 puzzelwoorden gevonden voor `Sportterm` met 3 letters. For glossaries of terms, please place the glossaries in Category:Glossaries of sports and, if one exists, the sport-specific subcategory of Category:Sports terminology.Do not a create a sport-specific subcategory just to hold a lone glossary article (it will just get up-merged again at WP:CFD wrestling. Professioneel online puzzelwoordenboek voor het opzoeken van synoniemen, cryptogrammen, anagrammen, woordpatronen en klinkerloze omschrijvingen.