You are able to function well both in a team as well as independently.

Career Opportunities. About- The Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group is part of Wageningen University & Research, an organisation that brings together fundamental and applied scientific research. by. 78 Wageningen UR reviews. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees.

Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands invites application for PhD student with fellowship for candidates having MSc degree in Chemistry / Chemical Engineering / Molecular (Life) Sciences. But it’s not only this. Wageningen UR - PhD student | Glassdoor Best Cities for Jobs 2020 NEW! There are … Salaries posted anonymously by Wageningen UR employees. / 11 Non-Scientific Reasons To Do A PhD In The Netherlands. The salary tables have been agreed upon in the ‘Agreement for Funding Scientific Research’ and are based on the collective labour agreement (Dutch acronym: CAO) of the Dutch universities. A pre employment screening will be part of the selection procedure.

Senior Management.

Good communication and academic writing skills in English, and preferably also in Dutch.

This salary is equal to Dutch minimum wage: "€1615.80 per month + holiday allowance and end of year bonus. Antonella Petruzzella, a PhD candidate at NIOO-KNAW, would definitely come again for a PhD in Wageningen. The standardised costs include the direct salary costs and a provision for the holiday allowance, end-of-year bonus and employer costs and other personnel costs, independent of the actual salary scale of an … Their salary is in salary scale P: Between €2325 and €2972 per month, on top of which they receive an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end of year bonus. Good equipment and friendly staff. You will be asked to deliver a Certificate of Good Conduct. Of course you should carefully select the graduate school program. Doesn't Recommend. Looking for a place to do a PhD? A free inside look at Wageningen UR salary trends based on 100 salaries wages for 59 jobs at Wageningen UR.

They are often given almost 2 …

Negative Outlook. ‘Every Christmas again, I feel barely appreciated.’ "PhD at WUR" Star Star Star Star Star. Enthusiasm and motivation to be involved in a PhD project and obtain a Wageningen University PhD degree.

Employment at Wageningen University as "PhD-Labour". You should also enjoy the place where you’ll do your PhD. Pros. Salary … Work/Life Balance. Former Employee - PhD in Wageningen.

Cons. Unfair salary for foreign students.

It’s not all about the science. Culture & Values. I worked at Wageningen UR full-time for more than 5 years. Maybe doing a PhD in The Netherlands is more interesting than you thought. Compensation and Benefits. Nevertheless, the big salary differences give her an unfair feeling. You have decided you want to do a PhD. IF you have a AIO contract: good salary, good maternity leave, 20+ days of holiday, pension.