There are now 229263 members. If you have: Fewer than 3,000 pieces — No organization is needed; spread your LEGO bricks out on a table or the floor and build something awesome.. For storage recommendations, read Chapter 3: LEGO Storage for Small Collections. Bionicle Mistika. ; 10640 members have logged in in the last 24 hours, 20952 in the last 7 days, 33669 in the last month. Lego Set Number: Send Us A Message. The bricks often have stickers or printings on them, like many other LEGO elements. Bionicle Reboot. The complete directory of LEGO economics and the brick economy. Bionicle Barakki. Bionicle Phantoka. Bionicle Playsets. Bionicle Titans. You can search by Keywords (like "police") or by entering a Product Number. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure, DUPLO, LEGENDS OF CHIMA, NINJAGO, BIONICLE, MINDSTORMS and MIXELS are trademarks and copyrights of the LEGO Group. Must be 18 years or older to purchase online. Bionicle Warriors. LEGO studs are tiny round dots on a brick that can peg into other bricks to make them stack or connect. I rendered a first version of dataset in 2018 using Blender, but decided to create a new version in 2019 using Autodesk Maya 2020. ; 961 people have joined this week. Site Statistics. Find That Missing Brick With This Lego Parts Database Image by Benjamin D. Esham / Wikimedia Commons We've all been there: Lego pieces are missing after a … We have current values for 91.29% of these. ; Between us we own 24,775,346 sets worth at least US$721,599,870 and containing … ©2020 The LEGO Group. Welcome to BrickEconomy A comprehensive guide to LEGO economics, market values and trends. Bricks and More. Brick Collection enables you to easily add Lego sets, parts, minifigs, accessories, books and catalog to your collection and keep it organized. Advanced Models. City Coast Guard. There are 15,580 sets in our database. Content. However, technically it is an element three plates or more thick, rectangular in shape, with at least one stud on top. DC Comics Super Heroes. That is why I turned to computer rendering of the bricks. All your data are automatically synced across all your devices including Windows PCs, tablets and phones. Bionicle Matoran. Search LEGO Instructions By Product Number. Collectible Minifigures (614) Avengers Infinity War (4) DC Super Heroes (16) DFB Series (16) Disney Series 2 (18) Harry Potter (22) Fantastic Beasts (6) Jurassic World (3) Promotional (2) Series 1 Minifigures (16) Series 2 Minifigures (23) Series 3 Minifigures (16) Series 4 Minifigures (17) Series 5 Minifigures (16) Series 6 Minifigures (16) Some LEGO® sets contain small parts that are NOT suitable for and may pose a hazard to children under 3 years of age. LEGO System A/S, DK-7190 Billund, Denmark. Action Wheelers. In the version 2 dataset, you will find 50 different LEGO bricks rendered by … Bionicle Piraka. Manage. Avatar the Last Airbender. Search LEGO Instructions By Keyword. ; Brickset members have written 35837 set reviews. Main goal of the project is to enable data exchange between different … DC Super Hero Girls. There are 16624 items in the Brickset database. More than 3,000 pieces — Sort into broad categories.. For storage recommendations, read Chapter 4: LEGO Storage for Medium Collections Download (Lego) Brick Inventory Database for free. They come in many sizes, from a … A Brick is a general term for any LEGO part. Building Set with People. City Police Rescue. With this application, the user will be able to inventory his / her lego set collection and the parts in those sets. There are several ways you can search through our LEGO instructions database.