Dat op 27 april 2019 in Amsterdam RAI te Amsterdam gehouden wordt. for new friends & one night stands norbertb.gaynews.nl norbertb.gayamsterdam.com norbertb.boysnetwork.com | nl: Last updated : Feb 22 2007 93516 Views last visit: 2019-05-25 22:31:57 TOMTECH (Tom Kuipers) is a Dutch Artist who was born and raised in the Netherlands. Psy-Fi is hét Psycedelic trance en lifestyle evenement van de Benelux waarbij tussen de 13.000 en 15.000 bezoekers uit 110 landen 9 dagen lang naar recreatiegebied de Groene Ster in Leeuwarden komen. Inspired by Guitarplayer Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits) he bought at the age of 16 a wooden spanish guitar and learned to play the guitar (auto didactic) with abook of chords, a videotape of dire straits, and (thanks to mother nature)his absolute hearing. New restaurants and shops pop up like mushrooms which resulted in more visitors than ever before. Festival 02-05-2020 Funkadelic techhouse/techno Special 06-06-2020 Kizomba Bash On The Beach - 3 Days 05-06-2020 Kizomba Bash On The Beach - 3 Days 06-06-2020 The Grapevyne 00s + 90s Rnb & Hiphop Special Edition 27-06-2020 Morgen - Officiële Opening Zomerseizoen 2020 08-08-2020 Jamrock XL - New Date 23-05-2021 Lentefabriek 2020 - Nieuwe Datum 07-06-2020 Kizomba Bash On The Beach … Sticky Post By Wander-lust On april 21, 2019 With No Comments If you’re not Dutch and you are visiting our country on the 26th/27th of April, you’re in for a treat.. Kingsday 2019 (previously called Queensday) is a true happening in the Netherlands. Op Follow the Beat vind je muziekevenementen zoals Kingsland Amsterdam. Psy-Fi 2016 - 2020 (techische)Productie en Projectleiding. The Leeuwarden Guide 2019 Leeuwarden was voted the culture capital of Europe last year, and since then the city has been buzzing. Klik hier voor een compleet en duidelijk overzicht van alle muziekevenementen in Nederland. Oh, en vergeet ons niet te volgen op Facebook en Instagram!