Once the GPX file is uploaded the tracks are extracted and show under the My Routes menu. Upload a GPX file or a Strava activity and convert it to an editable route. Click Select File to browse your computer for the file you want to upload. Click on the My Routes menu. Use the AllTrails Route Converter to upload a route and convert to any of our supported file formats.

The ‘shortest’ route option gives the best results. Voor meer informatie over het plannen van een route met meerdere tussenstops, selecteer je jouw type navigatiesysteem: GO 40, GO 50, GO 51, GO 60, GO 61, GO 400, GO 500, GO 600, GO 510, GO 610, GO 5000, GO 6000, GO 5100, GO 6100, START 40, START 50, START 60 It takes about 1-2 minutes to get the formats available. or Copy and Paste a Strava Activity URL Convert A Strava Labs project. Drag supported file here Or choose file to upload. Koppel je navigatiesysteem los van je computer. Schakel je navigatiesysteem in. There are many web sites which allow you to download a GPS trail in a standard format, such as a GPX file. When you submit a route, the GPX format and also the TomTom/.itn- format is created. You can create a new tracking group to view the real-time progress of one or more riders using GPXEditor's mobile app(s). View Supported File Formats. Plaats je GPX-bestanden in de map GPX2ITN op je navigatiesysteem. Because life is not about the destination, it’s about the journey. And Tyre is the program that integrates Google Earth / Maps with Tom Tom or Garmin. Het ITN-bestand kan maximaal 100 locaties bevatten, maar dat is voldoende om een route nauwkeurig opnieuw te maken. Handmatig converteren . Please note that a maximum of 5 tracking groups per user are allowed. This file contains all of the information TomTom Sports requires to synchronise trails with your watch. GPX to Route.

TyreToTravel is the platform for searching, making and sharing routes. This is a description of the route that will be shown whenever it is loaded. It takes about 1-2 minutes to get the formats available.

The route in your TomTom is represented by 48 waypoints. Click Import a GPX file. If you are not already logged in with your TomTom-account, log in now. It all began in 2006 when Jan Boersma combined his …

Upload GPX File.

Using the GPX-file, the Garmin users can upload it to their device via the Garmin software MapSource , the Magellan users can upload it to their device via the Magellan software MapSend . Sluit je TomTom Rider aan op je computer. The route you get on your TomTom might not match 100% with the route you see on RouteYou.

TomTom recalculates the route between these 48 points based on the routing used on the TomTom device and based on the map they have on the device.