De NS International zorgt ervoor dat je vanaf alle Nederlandse treinstations naar ruim 2700 bestemmingen kan reizen. Looking for travel information such as the travel planner, engineering work and disruptions, luggage and travelling with a disability? You can travel on international trains in the Netherlands with a valid ticket, with the exception of Thalys and Eurostar trains. Swiss Travel Pass . Interrail Pässe . Verbinding Frequentie Reisduur Vanaf; Thalys Amsterdam - Parijs : Elk uur 3:15 € 54,- Thalys Amsterdam - Brussel: … BritRail Euro Flexi Pass. IOC: Internationales Olympisches Komitee . Traveling on an international train. Wählen Sie aus fünf Angeboten und fahren Sie flexibel auf dem Streckennetz von BritishRail. Intercity Berlin. Swiss Travel Pass. Die internationalen Ländercodes aller Länder nach etlichen verschiedenen Standards.

ISO: Internationale Organisation für Normung. Eine noch ausführlichere Version dieser Ländercodes können Sie auch als CSV-Datei im Downloadbereich erhalten. NS International stations en bestemmingen.

No supplement is necessary. Travel across Europe and discover 33 countries by train with Interaill. Our travellers are our 1st, 2nd and 3rd priority in all of our activities, and we do our utmost to make their trip as pleasant and sustainable as possible from door to door. Reisen Sie mit dem Swiss Travel Pass auf dem gesamten Netz des Swiss Travel Systems. Travellers need only a valid ticket to travel on the route Amsterdam Centraal – Hengelo.

A supplement may be required for some trains.

You can top up your card balance at any NS Ticket Machine. Finde Huren, Hostessen, Nutten, Escortservices, Saunaclubs, BDSM, FKK-Clubs in deiner Nähe mit, Deinem Rotlichtguide. Entdecken Sie Europa: Reisen Sie mit dem Interrail-Pass in bis zu 33 europäische Länder! Verschillende soorten hogesnelheidstreinen worden hiervoor ingezet, zoals de Thalys, Eurostar, ICE en TGV. Which trains require a supplement? Enjoy the best rail travel experience in Europe with our Interrail Pass! We encourage the use of public transportation and keep the Netherlands moving. Interrail. NS is active in the public transportation sector. Fips 10: US-Bundesstandard 10 der Informationsverarbeitung. With an OV-chipkaart, you can travel by train, bus, tram en metro. Your card is active immediately, and if you have enough balance on your card, you can travel 2nd class with NS right away. Internationale Pässe.