Zeg 'Buffet Crampon' en elke blaasmuzikant denkt aan klasse, stijl en degelijkheid. Buy now Find a dealer. Senzo announces the rebirth of Buffet Crampon’s professional saxophones. The 400 Series is designed for the advanced student through the professional saxophonist.

The first American made saxophone was built by Conn in 1888, and Selmer didn't begin making saxophones until the early 1920's, so Buffet was ahead of the pack.
Home > Instruments > Saxophones Tenor 400 Series.

The first saxophones made by Buffet were fairly faithful to Adolphe Sax' original design, as he was licensing them. With keywork up to high F# and exceptional response in the upper and lower …

Buy now Find a dealer. Buffet Crampon: al bijna twee eeuwen topkwaliteit. Most "modern" Buffet horns (after about 1930) usually tune to A=442, since most were being sold for the European market where slightly higher tuning was standard. With keywork up to high F# and exceptional response in the upper and lower …
Home > Instruments > Saxophones Baritone 400 Series. Buffet-Crampon began making saxophones in 1866, only 20 years after its invention by Adolphe Sax. Het fabricieert al bijna twee eeuwen blaasinstrumenten van hoge kwaliteit, zoals klarinetten, saxofoons en hobo's.

If the serial number of your sax has an "A" after the number, this was made for the American market where A=440. Buffet Crampon . Het Franse merk Buffet Crampon bestaat al sinds 1836.

The 400 Series is designed for the advanced student through the professional saxophonist. Senzo, which means ancestor in Japanese, combines Buffet Crampon’s tradition of musical excellence with a sensual and modern approach.

Buffet Crampon . The difference between A=440 and A=442 is noticeable, but not a huge deal for the modern player, … … The saxophones are meticulously hand-engraved and assembled for the highest level of quality and workmanship. The saxophones are meticulously hand-engraved and assembled for the highest level of quality and workmanship.