Tracks: PHD, Analyst, Entrepeneur. LL.M. Latin Magister Scientiae abbreviation for Master of Science abbreviation for Meritorious Service Cross Master of Science. abbr. The Master in Business Informatics combines theory, methods, and techniques from business and organisational science with the tools and practices of information and computing science.

A Master of Research degree is still a taught course, but 60% of it has to focus on an individual research project. Increasing computer power and the professional need to extract objective information from observed data have led to complex databases.

Master of Science in Statistical Data Analysis.

Advances in the study of cognitive processes and models, natural language and perception, human knowledge, representation, and reasoning continue to inspire and challenge our perception of ourselves.

Bij het voeren van de graad wordt deze achter de naam gezet, bijvoorbeeld "N.R. Postgraduate diplomas or certificates are academic or vocational qualifications. The Master of Actuarial Science will be taught via smaller classes for personalised attention and unparalleled access to Bond University's Bond Fin Tech Hub and Bloomberg data-sourcing terminals.

Master of Science . MSc synonyms, MSc pronunciation, MSc translation, English dictionary definition of MSc. The Master of Science (MSc) typically covers science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programmes. in Österreich. Course content . Master of Science is een graad in het hoger onderwijs.

A postgraduate certificate normally takes around four months, whereas diplomas usually last around nine months.
Master is een term die oorspronkelijk afstamt van het Latijnse woord magister, wat 'meester' of 'leider' betekent.Dit woord verbasterde in de geschiedenis tot het Italiaanse woord maestro en tot het Engelse master.In de loop van de geschiedenis heeft het woord de betekenis gekregen van "iemand die les geeft" of "de baas is". Programmes are typically theory-heavy with an emphasis on reading and research.
Seit dem Wintersemester 2006/2007 bietet die Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien ein Studium des Wirtschaftsrechts an, das gemäß dem Bologna-Prozess nach sechs Semestern mit dem akademischen Grad Bachelor of Laws („LL.B.“) und nach weiteren vier Semestern mit dem Grad Master of Laws („LL.M.“) abgeschlossen werden kann. De graad volgt doorgaans op een bachelorgraad, vaak Bachelor of Science. Noun 1.

Mulder MSc". The program will develop skills in the challenge of crunching 'big data' numbers to create practical solutions for real-world problems.

Statistical science has become a broad discipline with well-developed methods and techniques for the design and analysis of a wide range of empirical studies.

Geschiedenis. Investigating the true nature of intelligence is one of today’s most fascinating research avenues.

However, some social sciences and business, consulting and management courses also fall into the MSc category.