Tony Banks von Genesis. Diesmal haben wir es also mit einem Clone des Sequential-Klassikers Pro-One zu tun.. Mit dem Behringer Pro-1 (im Original Pro One) hat sich Uli Behringer einer weiteren Synthesizer-Legende angenommen, dem Sequential Pro One. I love the Neutron and not so fond of the Behringer D. The Pro-1 sounds amazing and really easy to use. They've decided to only focus on premium priced products. Apparently there are too many preorders on Behringer's other synths to release the Pro-One just yet, so we'll have to wait until things calm down a bit before we get a release date or price. The Behringer Pro-1 is a clone of the popular retro classic Sequential Circuits Pro-One which was once conceived to be a monophonic Prophet-5. A Behringer anunciou nesta semana que seu clone "Pro-One" de formato EuroRack está se movendo para a produção, com um preço-alvo de US $ 299: "Acabamos de aprovar a amostra final de pré-produção do PRO-1 e agora estamos nos preparando para a produção em massa. Does Behringer’s tribute edition measure up to one of the great monosynths of the 1980s, the Sequential Circuits Pro-One? Get ya teeth in folks Attached Thumbnails Last edited by golden beers; 6th March 2018 at 03:46 PM.. 7. If Behringer nail the Pro-One like they nailed the MiniMoog, and they get the price anywhere close by it, then it deserves to do well, and I'm sure it will.
Behringer asking what this board is for. Der ist ein monophoner Synth, der jetzt von Behringer in einen Eurorack-kompatiblen Formfaktor gebracht wurde. Well built and with excellent finishes, it is truly an original Pro-1 with the benefits of a structure capable of being integrated into a Euro-rack structure. Those who know and love recordings of Depeche Mode and Yazoo, will enjoy recognizing a lot of those sounds with the Pro-1. Behringer Pro-One: Preis und Verfügbarkeit.
The Pro-One's worst characteristic is that the filter resonance absolutely destroys the low end. Der Behringer Pro-One ist einer jener Synthesizer, die den klassischen Sound der frühen 80er ins Studio holen. I had a SC Pro-1 back in the 80's and this is a lot better built. We'll see. Der Behringer Pro-1 ist ein Clone des beliebten Retroklassikers Sequential Circuits Pro-One welcher einst dazu ersonnen wurde, ein monophoner Prophet-5 zu sein. I like it as much as my Korg Mono/Poly and Korg MS-20 Bislang stehen offizielle Angaben noch komplett aus, aber sollte dieser kleine Synth-Traum wahr werden, wird der Preis mit Sicherheit sehr gering ausfallen im Vergleich zu Gebrauchtmarktpreis des Originals.
Trotzdem klingt der Pro-1 ganz und gar nicht steril. By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies. Behringer Pro-1 im Test-Studio von Megasynth Und weiter geht‘s mit den neuen Behringer-Synthesizern. Behringer Pro 1.
We'll see. These days I will track a second pass with zero resonance to add the lows. Behringer orientiert sich hier am Pro-One vom Sequential Circiuts. Gespielt hat ihn u.a. The Pro-One's worst characteristic is that the filter resonance absolutely destroys the low end. Dabei, und da kann ich mich nur wiederholen, bleibt alles halbwegs kontrollierbar und sauber.
If they had good products to offer in the price range of Behringer's clones, we wouldn't be having this conversation. ... Had a Pro One back in the day.