The presentations of this workshop can be found here The 2 nd PocketQube Workshop is held on Thursday 22 nd on Friday 23 rd of March 2018 at ‘De BouwCampus’ at TU Delft, The Netherlands. Dit is de presentatie die gebruikt kan worden bij een workshop "jaarplanning maken" voor een BT3 cursus basketball Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Games event in Mechelen, Belgium by Speelgoedmuseum Mechelen vzw on Sunday, October 27 2019 Presentations. Review: It's been some time coming for a new Nicolas Jaar LP and it's now we get to witness the continual evolution of his sound that's pushed someway into the mainstream consciousness since Space Is Only Noise. With approximately 60 participants from 18 different countries, it was very successful.