Tom Holland’s brilliant study of these critical Persian Wars skillfully examines a conflict of critical importance to both ancient and modern history. Persian Fire Tom Holland Little, Brown £20, pp372. This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation While he may perhaps stretch a point a bit too far, I know of few other authors that invigorate history with such prosaic majesty and biting wit. Andrew Sachs and Tom Holland are a marriage made in heaven. Persian Fire: The First World Empire and the Battle for the West is a historical study of the Persian Empire by popular historian Tom Holland Finding myself doing a lot of motorway driving and finding both the radio and my CD collection tedious, I decided to have a go at audio books, starting off with Holland's Rubicon, which I had simply not found the time to read in printed form. Culture > Books > Reviews Persian Fire, by Tom Holland The faultline of world history lay at the Hellespont, 3,000 years ago. Persian Fire: The First World Empire and the Battle for the West Tom Holland, Author . About Persian Fire A “fresh…thrilling” ( The Guardian ) account of the Graeco-Persian Wars. In his preface to Persian Fire, Tom Holland notes that though the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001, seemed almost unbelievable to Americans and Europeans, the … At some point, probably in the late Sixties, a decision was made that classics was no longer 'relevant.' Finding myself doing a lot of motorway driving and finding both the radio and my CD collection tedious, I decided to have a go at audio books, starting off with Holland's Rubicon, which I had simply not found the time to read in printed form. Andrew Sachs and Tom Holland are a marriage made in heaven. Review of Persian Fire - Regardless of the subject matter, I shall read Holland's works.