But… Definition.
When you look at the stock prices of various businesses, you will see that they vary greatly. More buyers mean the stock's price will climb, while more sellers mean the price will drop. One way that stockholders make a return on their investment is … Every publicly traded company, when its shares are issued, are given a price – an assignment of their value that ideally reflects the value of the company itself.
It is generally displayed with supplemental information, such as high and low prices for a given security in a day or its change in value. In general they range from around $5.00 to $100 per share. {{#verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}} {{^verifyErrors}} {{#message}}
stock price meaning: → share price. Stock prices are driven by expectations of corporate earnings or profits. An influential analyst on Wall Street may give a stock that is currently trading at $60 a one-year price target of $90. Learn more. So the price represents how much the stock trades at — or the price agreed upon by a buyer and seller. stock price.
For example, the stock of Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet’s company), sells for over $100,000 per share. A price target is an analyst's or trader's expectation of the future price of an asset, such as a stock, futures contract, commodity, or exchange-traded fund (ETF).
How Price Targets are Determined. Stock prices can be affected by a number of things including volatility in the market, current economic conditions, and popularity of the company. A stock quote is the price of a stock as quoted in decimals on an exchange. The cost of purchasing a security on an exchange. But there are stocks with share prices greater and less. The stock's price only tells you a company's current value or its market value. The term stock price refers to the current price that a share of stock is trading for on the market. If traders think the company's earnings are high or will rise further, they bid up the price of the stock.