Vertumnus, the god of the seasons, tries to seduce the nymph Pomona. He disguises himself as an old spinster who sings the praises of love and of Vertumnus. Vertumnus, the god of the seasons, tries in vain to court the nymph Pomona.

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands. Brussels, mid-sixteenth century A mythological composition depicting the divinities of the forest, the gods Vertumnus and Pomona, under a pergola walking to meet one another. The decoration, typical of Flemish production of the time, comprises a wide border […] The gardens and orchards tended by the goddess whom Vertumnus hopes to win are in the background. The composition was repeated in an engraving of 1605 and then copied by the unknown painter of this work. Title: Vertumnus and Pomona; Creator: Hendrick Goltzius; Date Created: 1613/1613; Physical Dimensions: h 90cm - w 149.5cm; External Link: See more details about this work on the Rijksmuseum Website; Medium: oil on canvas; Recommended.

wall label: The subject of this painting is taken from Ovid's Metamorphoses and concerns the story of Vertumnus who, in the guise of an old woman, tries to convince the unwilling Pomona to accept his love. Vertumnus and Pomona Hendrick Goltzius 1613/1613. Pomona ( / p ə ˈ m oʊ n ə / , [1] Latin : [poːˈmoːna] ) was a goddess of fruitful abundance in … Ecce Homo Created around the same time. When he takes the form of a handsome young man, he manages to win Pomona’s heart., As in Cerquozzi’s painting, fruit and temptation are combined here too. Vertumnus and Pomona by Peter Paul Rubens, 1617–1619, private collection in Madrid. Details. The … The earliest known Dutch painting of this subject was made by Bloemaert around 1590.