Im Anschluss daran geschah der 2. Osiris shown in typical mummy wrappings. Mit Isis hatte er den gemeinsamen Sohn Horus. Also konnte er nicht mehr der Fruchtbarkeitsgott sein und wurde ein Gott der Unterwelt. Orte/Zeiten der Verehrung . The name ‘Osiris’ is the Greek form of the Egyptian name Asir (or Wsir or Asar), which may mean “the Powerful”, “the one who sees the throne,” or “the one who presides on his throne.” Osiris, also called Usir, one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt.The origin of Osiris is obscure; he was a local god of Busiris, in Lower Egypt, and may have been a personification of chthonic (underworld) fertility.By about 2400 bce, however, Osiris clearly played a double role: he was both a god of fertility and the embodiment of the dead and resurrected king. Here he is shown in his typical guise as a mummified pharaoh holding the hook and flail, the traditional symbols of royal authority. Tod, wie im Text, wobei seine 2 Schwestern sein Glied nicht fanden, da es von einem Krokodil gefressen wurde. Dann zeugten die beiden einen Sohn. ( CC BY SA 4.0 ) A Son of Gods – The Beginning of the Osiris Myth . Osiris is perhaps the most famous of the gods of Ancient Egypt. Osiris finally appears in-person and serves as a central figure in the DLC, Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris.Having returned after years of exile, Osiris makes contact with his former student, Ikora Rey, informing her that the Vex from both past and future timelines are amassing on Mercury.Though distrustful of her former teacher, knowing his dangerous ideas nearly destroyed the Vanguard, she … Osiris wurde 2-mal von seinem Bruder getötet. Osiris is a common feature in Egyptian funerary art. Laut dem Griechen Plutarch zeugte er mit Nephthys den unehelichen Sohn Anubis. 1-mal wurde er in eine Kiste gesperrt und wieder von Isis erweckt. Osiris is usually depicted wearing the feathered Atef crown. As the lord of the afterlife he is often shown in coffin art. Based on New Kingdom tomb paintings. Seine Geschwister waren Isis (die auch gleichzeitig seine Gemahlin war), Seth, Nephthys und Haroeris. Osiris war der Sohn des Erdgottes Geb und der Himmelsgöttin Nut.