Musical: Titanic (2020) Première. Titanic - The Musical Tour Dates 2020. Verhaal. Titanic - The Musical concert tickets are on sale. Follow us on FaceBook: na_musical. Titanic: The Musical May 17 - June 2, 2019 . Complete pit list. The $500 million project is back on after a financial dispute put it on hold for a few years. Complete cast list. (KCRG) - A replica of the Titanic plans to embark on its maiden voyage in 2020. Come join us as we present Titanlic in March of 2020! 22 november 2020. De Graaf & Cornelissen. Come aboard the ship of dreams in this heart-stopping ride through the final moments of Titanic’s fateful journey. The Acalanes School District, after first allowing our four final performances to proceed with limited audience size, finally caved in to pressure and shut … Please check backn in April for more information. Titanic the Musical 2020 went down after hitting the Covid-19 Iceberg on March 12, 2020 at 7:35 pm. Producent. We are ready to set sail and sink the ship. Elf Jr.was a huge success. Dernière. Titanic de musical komt in het theaterseizoen van 2020/2021 weer naar Nederland. N.N.B. De musical vertelt het verhaal van het enorme cruiseschip de Titanic, dat op 10 april 1912 de Engelse haven Southampton verliet om naar New York te vertrekken. Dit keer onder leiding van De Graaf & Cornelissen Entertainment. Aan boord waren 1301 passagiers en 941 bemanningsleden. You can find the list of Titanic - The Musical tour dates here. We cannot wait to begin next year's show.