Master of Education in Arts. Bachelor programme. Exchange programme. Creative Business SEM2. It specifically helps students to develop skills on how to give and get the best out of feedback on assignments or research projects. Utrecht Science Park. Tijdens de opleiding hbo Master … Criminal Justice Work. This master programme prepares you to teach German language and literature to the higher classes of Dutch higher secondary and tertiary education (HAVO, VWO and HBO in Dutch). Ben je leraar wiskunde tweedegraads en wil je graag lesgeven aan de bovenbouw van havo en vwo of in het hbo? Binnen de Master of Education in Arts wordt vanuit creativiteit, nieuwe didactieken en leiderschap onderzoek gedaan naar deze complexe vraagstukken en oplossingen worden hiervoor ontworpen. We use cookies to offer you a better experience, personalize content, tailor advertising, provide social media features, and better understand the use of our services. The Master of Education Department at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences on Behaal in twee of drie jaar je eerstegraads lesbevoegdheid.

Cross-border Journalism. Are you ready for the next step in your career and do you want to create more impact in business and society? Online, onsite and in hybrid form. Exchange programme. Online education at Utrecht University is where every student counts, each opinion being valued. Utrecht Science Park. Founded in 1636, Utrecht University is an esteemed international research university, consistently positioned number one in The Netherlands, 14th in continental Europe and the worldwide top 100 of international rankings, and member of the renowned European League of Research Universities. TIAS offers various masters that match your personal ambitions, learning goals and career phase.

If, as an educational professional, you are ready to broaden your horizons, expand your network and enhance your expertise, then the HKU Education in Arts Master’s programme offers a ground-breaking learning environment. Dan is de deeltijdmaster Leraar Wiskunde aan Hogeschool Utrecht wat voor jou. Exchange programme. Jan Tooropstraat 136 Amsterdam, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75 Den Haag, Museumpark 40 Rotterdam, Padualaan 97 Utrecht: Diploma: Master of Education: Toelating: Bekijk de toelatingseisen: Croho-naam: M Educational Needs: Croho-code: 44103: 01. De master levert professionals af die een brede oriëntatie combineren met een persoonlijke signatuur en verdieping in specifieke onderwerpen.

With the amount of job openings currently available, you have great prospects for a rewarding career teaching children or young adults in the Netherlands or abroad. We can also organize all our courses in-company. Our full-time Teacher Education …

I am a PhD candidate at the Open University of the Netherlands. I work at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU) and conduct my research at the Vocational Education Research Group. Excited about teaching English? Interested in a career in education?