Marie Antoinette was born as Maria Antonia of Austria (2 November 1755 – 16 October 1793). Ona a jej muž Ľudovít XVI. In episode twelve her head gets cut off, but this does not kill her. Rider's True Name is Marie Antoinette (マリー・アントワネット, Marī Antowanetto), the Queen of France of the 18th Century whose genealogy is related to the House of Habsburg.
In Art and the Addams Family, Wednesday holds what appears to be the same doll, but calls it Mary Queen of Scots, then shows a tombstone reading "Marie Antoinette." She was married at 14. Rider (ライダー, Raidā) is a Rider-class Servant able to be summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. The queen consort of Louis XVI. Elle est la dernière reine de l’Ancien Régime. Marie Antoinette (November 2 1755 – October 16 1793) was Queen of France and Archduchess of Austria.She was the daughter of the Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and his wife Maria Theresa of Austria, the wife of Louis XVI, and the mother of Louis XVII.She was guillotined during the French Revolution.She was born Archduchess Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna of the Habsburg dynasty. Her marriage was at first an unhappy one, and it was not properly [[|consummated]] for several years. královnou francouzskou a navarrskou Contents[show] History In the first episode, Wednesday says that Pugsley chopped off her head, but later Wednesday likes to chop it off with a guillotine. Marie Antoinette is a clone of the original Marie Antoinette. Mivel nem volt, aki kifizesse a drága ékszert, a szélhámosság kitudódott, a király vizsgálatot rendelt el. She has a school job at the Grassy Knoll as a waitress. Marie Antonie Josefa Johana Habsbursko-Lotrinská (2. listopadu 1755 Vídeň – 16. října 1793 Paříž) byla rozená císařská a královská princezna, jíž náležel titul rakouské arcivévodkyně.V letech 1774 až 1793 byla jako manželka krále Ludvíka XVI.
She speaks with a French accent although the original Marie Antoinette was Austrian. A királyné hamisított aláírásával („Marie Antoinette de France”) ellátott fizetési kötelezvény 1785-ben jutott Mária Antónia kezébe, aki értetlenül fogadta. She is one of the popular kids. She was Archduchess of Austria and Queen of France and Navarre.She became the queen consort of Louis XVI of France in 1770.. English: Archduchess Maria Antonia Josepha Joanna von Habsburg-Lothringen (Vienna, 2nd November 1755 – Paris, 16th October 1793), was an Archduchess of Austria and Queen consort of France and of Navarre (1774 – 1792), better known as Marie Antoinette. Marie-Antoinette-Josèphe-Jeanne d'Autriche-Lorraine (født Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna 2. november 1755 i Wien, død 16. oktober 1793 i Paris) var en østrigsk ærkehertuginde, og den sidste dronning af Frankrig før den franske revolution, fra 1774 til 1792 som ægtefælle til kong Ludvig 16. af Frankrig. Jeanne-t és cinkostársait letartóztatták.
Marie-Antoinette de Habsbourg-Lorraine, née le 2 novembre 1755 à Vienne en Autriche et morte guillotinée le 16 octobre 1793 sur la place de la Révolution à Paris, est reine de France et de Navarre de 1774 à 1791, puis reine des Français de 1791 à 1792. An ephemeral lady. Maria Antónia Habsbursko-lotrinská, známa ako Mária Antoinetta (* 2. november 1755, Viedeň – † 16. október 1793, Paríž), dcéra Márie Terézie a jej manžela Františka I. Lotrinského, sa ako pätnásťročná stala manželkou francúzskeho následníka trónu, dauphina.Od roku 1774 bola francúzskou kráľovnou. Marie Antoinette is Wednesday Addams' favorite doll.