Favorites 0; Map; Maastricht supports local Culinary … Please read the procedure carefully and make sure to fulfil all steps in time.
- The agreement is entered into as long as the municipality of Maastricht shall provide the licence to SWEM.

1 - 2 April. Winter Break . 13 - 21 February 2021. New date for your calendar: EEMA 2021 September 10-12th in Maastricht, the Netherlands Due to the worldwide Corona/COVID-19 situation the EEMA executive team has decided to postpone the upcoming EEMA conferences by one year. Thursday. Magisch Maastricht op het Vrijthof 2019 zit er weer op! Oct 21, 2019 | Information, News | … Sat - Sun. This means that the upcoming EEMA 2020 in... read more. Admission and registration for academic year 2020/21 for a bachelor's programme at Maastricht University (UM) consists of the following five steps. Winterevents Maastricht for the organization of the event Magisch Maastricht Vrijthof. 14 January 2021.

If you have any questions, WhatsApp us on +31 6 10627195 WhatsApp us on +31 6 10627195 (Mo to Sa, 1 AM to 5 PM) Monday to Saturday, 1 AM to 5 PM menu; close; en nl de fr. 12 Dec 2020 - 3 January 2021. Medicine. Admission & registration. Kerststad Maastricht. The events calendar of Maastricht. Here you will find everything you can do in Maastricht.

Sat - Sun. Bekijk de foto-albums van de editie van 2019 op onze Facebook-pagina. Spring / Carnaval Break . De inschrijving voor deelnemers is alweer geopend. Primary & MYP Early Release Day 4 / DP Co Curricular Day.

Friday. Van 27 november t/m 29 december 2020 is hét grootste, mooiste en gezelligste kerstevenement weer dagelijks geopend en gratis toegankelijk. Primary & MYP Early Release Day 5 / DP Co Curricular Day . 5 March 2021.
Questions? From the time that the municipality of Maastricht dissolves or ends the agreement, all rights and obligations agreed between the Films, theater, workshops, concerts and events. 5 April 2021 … Thur-Fri. Primary Professional Development Days / No primary students.

EEMA partners Lufthansa Group for incoming flights. The deadline for this programme can be found under step 1: Check the admission requirements and application and …