If you’d been following him a while now, you already know just like us, that he’s unstoppable. Rebel is the very latest venue of Paul-Antoine, chef and founder of Ötap, right after Grain, his newly opened bakery in Châtelain. Also join us for late night dancing Fri & Sat. Restobieres is the restaurant of typical Brussels specialities, with an original decor where you can admire an endless collection of coffee, meat and cheese mills, chocolate boxes with portraits of the royal family, and non the least cake trays and bottles of long gone brewers. Reservations. Rebel Chef. Rebelle in een notendop: toegankelijk, geen pretenties, minimalistisch met een kleine schittering en een snuifje pit. 953 8th St, Farmington, MN 55024 (651) 344-7311 (651) 344-7311 Rebel is a restaurant bar with Craft Cocktails and a rebellious menu with interesting culinary delights.