This is quite unique since most conferences are either focused on academics or business. Vemeld dus duidelijk bij uw reservering of u één of meerder fietsen wilt huren. 0031-45-5466888 . Our hotel has 160 hotel rooms for a relaxed stay in a wonderful historical atmosphere. Der Erlös der Weihnachtswelt Rolduc 2019 geht: 25 persons) Buffet Rolduc 3 starters, 1 soup, 2 main dishes with 2 sauces, 2 potato or pasta side dishes, 1 vegetable side dish, 3 desserts Abdij Rolduc is één van de hotels in de directe omgeving van het festival. Verder hebben wij ons fietsenbestand dit jaar uitgebreid. For a current list of prices for our hotel rooms, please visit our website. Rolduc has 160 3- and 2-star hotel rooms at its disposal. Brightlands Rolduc Polymer Conference 2019. Causes event in Kerkrade, Netherlands by Kerstwereld Rolduc and 3 others on Saturday, November 30 2019 with 1.1K people interested. The primary goal for the Brightlands Rolduc Polymer Conference is to create a connection between the academic and industrial worlds. Rolduc Abbey in Kerkrade (Parkstad Limburg) is one of the most important religious monuments of The Netherlands: it’s the largest abbey complex of the Benelux and one of the Dutch UNESCO Top 100 monuments. Conference and party rooms Rolduc Abbey provides an unbelievably inspirational setting for a conference of party. The International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) will have a 5 day International Dream Conference at Rolduc, Kerkrade, Maastricht in June 2019. Period: 9 Sep 2019 → 11 Sep 2019: Event type: The abbey Ghazanfari, S. (Organiser) Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials; Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased; Activity: Organizing, contributing or attending an event › Organizing or contributing to an event › Academic. Adresse: Abdij Rolduc, Heyendallaan 82, NL-6464 E P Kerkrade Tel. Our reservation department will be happy to provide you with details of group rates. Prices are per person and are current for 2019 Buffet Ailbertus 3 starters, 1 soup, 2 main dishes with 2 sauces, 1 potato or pasta side dish, 1 vegetable side dish, 3 desserts € 27,50 per person (min. Brightlands Rolduc Polymer Conference 2019. Via onze website kunt u een kamer boeken tegen het speciale Pinkpop-tarief. Susanne van Nijnanten - …