Kingsday 2020. "This promises to be a unique Kingsday, and mainly because I hope it will be the last Kingsday-at-home ever. Supersized Kingsday Festival vindt op 27 april 2020 voor de zevende keer plaats op het terrein van Aquabest in Best (vlakbij Eindhoven). Try to make the best of it," the king said in a … 12:00 – 23:00 Kingsday 2020: 27 April 2020. Openingstijden. Supersized Kingsday Festival 2020 27.04.2020 Aquabest Eindhoven. Try to make the best of it," the king … Get loose on the dance floor, bungee jump without a rope or get drunk in Virtual Reality! A few years ago, the municipality put a stop to this to distribute the many partygoers (and tourists) a little more over the city. BUT FIRST, A NOTE: Yeah, it’s not a normal year. In the past, the festivals were still organized in the center of Amsterdam. We made a list of the best Kingsday festivals 2020 in Amsterdam. This year Jennifer is releasing loads of new music, making waves across the dance scene and receiving world wide recognition. Met maar liefst acht area s zijn alle hardere stijlen vertegenwoordigd en is dit festival al jaren de grootste & de gezelligste op Koningsdag. Supersized Kingsday Festival is a hardcore musical in Best, The Netherlands. With (live) performances by cool artists, a virtual king Willem-Alexander and much more. Taking place on the legendary Kingsday, where the whole country celebrates …

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Music event in Best, Netherlands by Supersized Kingsday Festival and B2S on Monday, April 27 2020 with 19K people interested and 11K people going.
Do you celebrate this day with us? No Kingsday without a party! Kingsday 2020 The biggest yearly celebration in Amsterdam is Kingsday, previously known as Queensday. King’s Day (Koningsdag) 2020. Openingstijden. Best time to go to The Netherlands. This year, the biggest orange party will take place on April 27 and of course, you will only have the best Kingsday experience when you are cruising through the canals Amsterdam! The source of the rip for Supersized Kingsday 2020 (2020-04 … Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 12:00 – 23:00