When you are not a regular visitor, please have a look at the different areas on the map. Voilà pour les chiffres. Keukenhof closed its doors in the afternoon and we will have to wait another year to see the tulips.

Opening Keukenhof 2019: Sunday was the final day of springtime 2018. When you travel by tour group or public transportation you enter the Keukenhof garden at the bottom of the map Keukenhof. Map Keukenhof. Plus de 7 millions de bulbes en fleurs, dont 800 sortes différentes de tulipes sur un parc floral de 32 hectares, plus 850 000 visiteurs qui viennent du monde entier pour visiter le jardin pendant les mois de Mars, Avril et Mai. The flower parade will The map Keukenhof 2019 is available. Shopping event in Haarlem, Netherlands by Kerstmarkt Haarlem on Saturday, December 7 2019 with 34K people interested.81 posts in the discussion. For 2019 Keukenhof will open its doors from Thursday the 21st of March until Sunday the 19th of May 2019.