It is a remarkable record of their journeys on a state-of-the-art platform, with immersive 360 films, behind-the-scenes footage, storytelling and more. About Homage to Humanity ; This is not a book; JIMMY'S WORK; Book open; Introducing Jimmy; UNITED IN DIVERSITY; Foundation; Contact. Homage to Humanity | Jimmy Nelson, Donna Karan, Mundiya Kepanga | ISBN: 9780847864744 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. With the award-winning Jimmy Nelson Companion App, you will be able to scan the images in the book and watch over 500 videos about the people, Jimmy’s experiences and much more. Neben seiner erfolgreichen Tätigkeit als professioneller Werbefotograf, vertiefte Nelson diesen ethnologischen Ansatz seiner künstlerischen Arbeit. Partners. Photographer Jimmy Nelson has traveled the world with his camera, visiting some of its most remote and ancient cultures: the resulting images will uplift us individually, unite us spiritually and help motivate us to save our humanity. He exhibits in international museums, shows his work at the world’s leading photographic art galleries, speaks at international conferences, and launched the Jimmy Nelson Foundation in …

The Story ; My Youth; BEFORE THEY PASS AWAY HEADER; BEFORE THEY PASS AWAY; HTH HEADER; HOMAGE TO HUMANITY; THE FUTURE HEADER; THE FUTURE; Jimmy Nelson Foundation; Jimmy Nelson Foundation; what we do ; Homage to Humanity. Jimmy & Stories. About Homage to Humanity ; This is not a book; JIMMY'S WORK; Book open; Introducing Jimmy; … Be transported to the extraordinary world of Jimmy's travels through the VR gallery in the app, using the VR goggles which are provided with the book. Das einzigartige visuelle Resultat seiner Arbeit mit einer über 50 Jahre alten Plattenkamera von 13 … Today, Jimmy is still traveling and photographing to produce HOMAGE TO HUMANITY. HOMAGE TO HUMANITY; THE FUTURE HEADER; THE FUTURE; Jimmy Nelson Foundation; Jimmy Nelson Foundation; what we do ; Homage to Humanity.

To accompany Jimmy’s second book Homage to Humanity and our foundation's free education program Cult-ED (online soon), Jimmy and his team created a 2019 Webby Award-winning mobile application; the Jimmy Nelson Companion App. Each image in this book has hidden, digital layers. Press; Exhibitions

"To accompany Homage to Humanity, Jimmy Nelson and his team have created a companion mobile app. It is a remarkable record of their journeys with immersive 360º films, behind-the-scenes footage, storytelling and more. „Die Welt gehört nicht uns, wir gehören der Welt“, heißt es im Vorwort des Buches „Homage to Humanity“ von Jimmy Nelson.