Jet Fuel Monthly Price - US Dollars per Gallon. Jet A1 aviation jet fuel is produced for the international markets.
6m 1y 5y 10y 15y 20y 25y 30y. The price of jet fuel as of January 2015 is as follows: 170.8 Cents (US dollars) per Gallon; 1 litre = 0.3125 pence (pound sterling) 1 litre = 0.40 Euros; This does not include delivery of the fuel. is another site which shows regional averages and local pricing for fuel. Jet Fuel Price Development – for the most up to date graphs. Download PDF. Jet A1 aviation jet fuel as a standard spec has a free point of -47 C. of which is allowed to be utilized in cold weather environments. Apr 2015 - Mar 2020: -0.749 (-44.01 %) Chart. Jet Aviation As a globally recognized leader in the business aviation industry, we have been ensuring your health and safety for half a century. IATA has a page on . Pricing of Jet A fuel can vary much more than automobile fuel - with prices often varying by almost 50% depending on the airport. Unit: US Dollars per Gallon. See also: Energy production and consumption statistics. IATA also gives a weekly analysis of jet fuel prices. Currency: Compare to: Source: Energy Information Administration.
Pricing of Jet A fuel. Range. The price of jet fuel (known as Jet A1) is closely aligned the price of oil which varies on a daily basis. Tweet . The weightings in the index represent a broad view of proportional demand for jet fuel around the world. In January 2015, the price of Jet A1 was down 42.8% compared to the previous 12 months. Jet Fuel Price. The Platts Global Jet Fuel Index is a weighted average of Platts jet fuel assessments from major global trading, supply and demand centers. World Jet Indexes. See also: Top commodity suppliers. The world’s annual consumption of jet fuel (excluding military) is about 2 billion barrels. A search through the website shows geographic variability, as well as variability based upon the size of the airport. Aviation Jet Fuel JP54, Jet A1 Supplier Rotterdam. Description: U.S. Gulf Coast Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel Spot Price FOB. IATA Jet Fuel Price Monitor information. The aviation fuel price has a direct impact on flight prices.
Whether you are interested in maintenance, completions and refurbishment, FBO, aircraft charter, aircraft management or staffing, rely on our award-winning aircraft-support services to meet your needs — wherever you are or want to go. When aviation fuel prices rise, apportionment to total ticket price go up. In times of economic certainty, when oil is relatively cheap, jet fuel costs represent about 30% of airline overhead. Jet Aviation offers aircraft fuel (Jet A1 fuel, AVGAS and 100LL aircraft fuel) at various locations. Published January, 2020.