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I am craving; you are craving; he/she/it is craving; we are craving; you are craving; they are craving; Simple past. Ook in de database crave for craven Zojuist vertaald EN>NL: crave EN>NL: sewing EN>NL: old population EN>NL: ANG EN>NL: suspension EN>NL: stand-by EN>NL: pintle EN>NL: zero line EN>NL: limited EN>NL: DG Energy EN>NL: magnetohydrodynamic EN>NL: ANO … Voeg een vertaling toe. Hieronder vindt u teksten , muziekvideo en vertaling van Crave You - Flight Facilities in verschillende talen.

Engels - Engels vertaling van 'crave' As the Duke of Zhou said, "It will benifit not to crave for the personal benifit". I am craving; you are craving; he/she/it is craving; we are craving; you are craving; they are craving; Simple past. Si vous êtes quelque chose envie vous savez que vous ne devriez pas manger, juste tenir à distance pendant quelques jours puis gâtez-vous après cette fin de cycle. Je sais que tu aimes commander du chou frisé, mais je sais que tu rêves de pepperoni et d'ananas. Je was op zoek naar: i crave you (Engels - Frans) API oproep; Menselijke bijdragen.

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stress craving {zn.} I crave; you crave; he/she/it craves; we crave; you crave; they crave; Present continuous. crave translation french, English - French dictionary, meaning, see also 'craven',carve',cave',crane', example of use, definition, conjugation, Reverso dictionary Vertaling van 'Crave You' door Flight Facilities van Engels naar Spa She has a ravenous craving for chocolate. One moment I have you the next you are gone Rehearsed steps on an empty stage That boy's got my heart in a silver cage Why can't you want me like the other boys do? Marlies apartment house - where holiday vacations are still - is the choice if you crave peace and quiet. Engels Nederlands Engels – Nederlands; Engels Arabisch Engels – Arabisch; Engels Chinees Engels – Chinees; Engels Deens Engels – Deens; Engels Duits Engels – Duits; Engels Fins … So last night the guy I'm talking to sent me a text saying "I'm starting to crave...You". I'm also starting to crave alcohol.

Translation Dictionary Spell check Conjugation Synonyms Grammar … to hunger, to … Why can't you want me like the other boys do? They stare at me while I stare at you Why can't I keep you safe as my own? If you crave something that you know you should not have, just wait for a few days, and then indulge yourself after this cycle. “Crave You" speaks of missing the routine, the company and connection with someone at the end of a relationship, more than the person themselves. Tom has a craving for chocolate ice cream. My nobler friends, I crave …

Tom has a craving for chocolate ice … You should always crave for Chinese food. Vertaling van craving. Om de vertaling te verbeteren kunt u deze link volgen of op de blauwe knop onderaan drukken. hunkeren 'craving (Zelfstandig naamwoord) a desire or longing: “a craving for adventure.