20 They suggested that this context could explain the painting’s large signature and date, and paper support. Haak and Bruyn also proposed that Rembrandt may have painted Bust of a Bearded Old Man for an album amicorum, or friendship album.
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Het schilderij Het offer van Abraham uit de Hermitage in Leningrad wordt uitgepakt. 2 She also served as a model for other Leiden artists, including Jan Lievens (1607–74) 3 and apprentices in Rembrandt’s studio, among them Gerrit Dou (1613–75), Isaac de Jouderville (ca. Tentoonstelling van schilderijen van Rembrandt in het Rijksmuseum te Amsterdam ihkv zijn 300-ste sterfdag. Experience the Netherlands at the time of Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden Age with special exhibitions in Museum De Lakenhal, the Fries Museum, the Mauritshuis, the Rembrandt House Museum and Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. Museum De Lakenhal opens Young Rembrandt - Rising Star exhibition The Young Rembrandt, Rising Star exhibition will open in Museum De Lakenhal on 2 November. 9-sep-2017 - Jan Six (uit de Collectie Six) bij de tentoonstelling Late Rembrandt.
Singelpark Leiden - Borders & freedom (in development) The original function of the Singelpark, the old ramparts, was to protect the city so that the inhabitants could enjoy freedom of thought and action, something considered of great importance in Leiden since the 16th century.
Among the works in the collection are three of Rembrandt’s earliest paintings from ca. 9-sep-2017 - Jan Six (uit de Collectie Six) bij de tentoonstelling Late Rembrandt. ... Rembrandt Leiden Busje Prints Amsterdam Holland Portretten Mensen. Het Schilderij Claudius Civilis uit Stockholm arriveert onder politiebegeleiding bij het museum en wordt naar binnen getild en uitgepakt. The exhibition is the finale to the national ‘Rembrandt and the Golden Age’ theme year and sees the return of works painted almost 400 years ago to the birthplace of this now world-famous painter, in Leiden, the Netherlands.
Catalogus van een tentoonstelling over het vroege werk van Rembrandt (1606- 1669) en Jan Lievens (1607-1674) in hun Leidse periode Utopia 1900-1940 : visions of a … In 2019, the 350th anniversary of Rembrandt van Rijn's death will be honoured with numerous activities in The Hague, Leiden, Leeuwarden and Amsterdam. The identification of this sitter as Rembrandt’s mother is probably correct given the number of times that Rembrandt depicted her.
Rembrandt-Hulde te Leiden : catalogus der tentoonstelling van schilderijen en teekeningen van Rembrandt en van schilderijen van andere Leidsche Meesters der … The Leiden Collection has enriched The Rembrandt Database with more than 150 research documents on fifteen paintings by Rembrandt, as well as three Rembrandt-related paintings..