RBC GranFondo Whistler is delighted to be hosting the 2020 UCI Gran Fondo World Championships, held in North America for the first time. UCI GRAN FONDO WORLD SERIES CASABLANCA 21- 23 FEBRUARY 2020. That said, the best gran fondos and gran fondo-like rides elevate the good to the great. TOU(TE)S LES PARTICIPANT(E)S … Norco Search XR C2 gravel bike on test – Canadian all-rounder or gravel specialist. RACE PARTICIPATION … Les détails des parcours et de la programmation seront mis en ligne en décembre 2019, moment où les inscriptions seront également ouvertes, sur ce site web. The Championships are a prestigious event where all amateurs can compete for the right to wear the famous Rainbow Jersey – showing everyone you’re the World …

Feature Issue #014 Top 5 road bike trends of 2020 – The most … GRAN FONDO Issue #014 – YEAR ONE. Despite these troubling times, our team is still working hard to stage races for you in 2020. News. Corona crisis: Ride responsibly and look after your community . Here we present 10 North American rides that we think deserve to be on your bucket list for 2018. Latest Posts. 4 juillet: Gran Fondo, Série Mondiale UCI. 27.03.2020.

Platinum Racing’s top priority is the health and safety of staff, volunteers and athletes.

19.03.2020. 07.04.2020. Review. Un año más, el Gran Fondo Ézaro es la única oportunidad en España de participar en una carrera avalada por el circuito UCI Gran Fondo World Series y de puntuar para sus mundiales, junto con un selecto grupo a nivel internacional. The inaugural GFNY NYC race was held in 2011 and since then, GFNY has expanded to global series of 25 events. Today, GFNY is the largest global cycling marathon brand, offering events, cycling apparel, casual apparel, gear, sunglasses and coffee to passionate cyclists around the world. GFNY NYC serves as the GFNY World Championship and every May, cyclists descend … PLATINUM RACING COVID-19 RESPONSE - April, 2020. 16.03.2020.

At the end, 3 participants who first completed the designated distance will be awarded, according to the general classification and their age group. News. TIME TRIAL (25 km) The time trial is a race in which participants start individually within the framework of the rules set out by the UCI. The Top 10 Gran Fondos For 2018. Dan McCausland 2018-01-10 16:39:16. 5 juillet: critérium, Championnats canadiens maîtres. Con ello, el Gran Fondo Ézaro revalida, una vez más, su posición entre las más prestigiosas pruebas ciclistas de todo el mundo. Our … UCI Gran Fondo World Championships – Vancouver / Whistler , Sept 9-13, 2020. We have listings from around the world as well as cycle training, bike and equipment reviews, cycling news and blogs from gran fondo riders just like you. L’organisation en fera l’annonce dans les médias, de même que sur sa page Facebook. The online cycling site for gran fondo riders, the fastest growing cycling events in the US. Coronavirus COVID19 – How we can help. Article; 0 Comments; Related Articles; Absent crashes and multiple punctures pretty much any ride is a good ride.