0,21 EUR 0,69 %. Aktueller Dow Jones-Kurs im Push-Format. Umfasst die 30 größten US-Werte in einem Index, der nach dem US-Unternehmen Dow Jones benannt ist. Finance Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDEXDJX:.DJI) Index Summary News Historical prices Markets News Portfolios Stock screener Compare: Enter ticker here Add Settings | Plot feeds Technicals | Link to this view News All news for .DJI » Subscribe Advertisement Range 14,538.72 - 14,625.24 52 week12,035.09 - 14,684.49 Open 14,550.35 Vol. E-mini Dow Jones Industrial Average (YM) Futures Technical Analysis – Strong Over 23796, Weak Under 23571. It delivers breaking news, exclusive insights, expert commentary and personal finance strategies. Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Quantitative Finance . Read full articles, watch videos, browse thousands of titles and more on the "Dow Jones Industrial Average" topic with Google News. Sign up to join this community .
65.96M 11 Google Finance … Quantitative Finance Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for finance professionals and academics. Aktueller Dow Jones. Dow Jones-Chartanalyse: An 2008 denken und bald verkaufen. Based on Friday’s price action, the direction of the June E-mini Dow Jones industrial Average into the closed is likely to be determined by trader reaction to the main 50% level at 23796 and the intermediate Fibonacci level at 23571. Dow Jones publishes the world’s most trusted business news and financial information in a variety of media. Dow Jones Realtime: Hier finden Sie den Dow Jones Chart in Echtzeit. Dow Jones (WKN 969420; ISIN: US2605661048): Alles zum Index, Realtime-Kurse, Charts, Marktberichte und Analysen, Anlageprodukte und kostenlose Downloads. It only takes a minute to sign up. Kaufen Verkaufen WKN: A2PFRC ISIN: US2605571031 Dow Inc. 30,59 EUR. 08.05.2020 - 13:14 20.03.2020 16:04:01 . Dow Jones Index im Überblick: Aktuelle Kurse (Realtimekurs), Chart, Nachrichten und Diskussionen zum Dow Jones (US2605661048, 969420, 260566104, DE000DB2KF) DOW JONES: Dow Jones Industrial.