Timetables and routes. Kies eender welke 28 bus haltes om hieronder actuele dienstregelingen en hun routekaart te bekijken. Facebook. 28.03.2020 12:54. Route planner; Stops; Lines; Search This is a field with suggestions. Tram 62, 93 – interruption between Liedts, Bockstael and Stade / Stadion. No suggestions were found search. Select a suggestion using the arrow keys. Richting: Gent - Melle - Wetteren - Dendermonde (65 haltes) Toon op kaart Wijzig richting. Title: T0028-2.eps Author: Graphic Department Created Date: 11/20/2015 11:36:10 AM Routeplanner widget. REAL-TIME Travel. Coronavirus is causing changes in Föli traffic. COVID-19. Travel Information.

enkel deze lijn; bundel gelijkaardige lijnen; Andere lijnen die een deel van dezelfde reisweg bedienen worden mee opgenomen in de tabel(len).

from This is a field with suggestions. Gent Sint-Pietersstation … Tram 51 – renovation of the terminus Stade / Stadion. Twitter Our social media team is available for you every working day from 7 am to 7 pm. Change of direction New Research. Title: T0028-2.eps Author: Graphic Department Created Date: 11/20/2015 11:36:10 AM Op zaterdag wordt pas vanaf circa 10.00 uur (richting het Science Park) of circa 10.30 uur (richting Vleuten) 6x/uur gereden. LOOK AT YOUR ITINERARY. 28 bus dienstregeling overzicht voor de komende week: Begint om 05:33 en eindigt om 19:50. From Monday the 24th of February until Monday the 31st of … Choose … Read more: foli.fi/en/corona. Buses run according to the midsummer timetables as of 6 April. Suggestions appear when you start typing. Become a driver and move the bus plan. Exceptions to traffic; Stop timetables; Central bus stops in Turku; Stops and route maps; Demand responsive bus; Park … Works & Disruptions. FORMER ITINERARY . Timetables. Dagen deze week: elke dag. Timetables and real time. Lijn 28 rijdt van Vleuten via De Meern, Leidsche Rijn, station Utrecht Centraal, het Centrum en Rijnsweerd naar het Science Park. More news from De Lijn Facebook Useful information and fun stories from in front of and behind the scenes. My location; My saved location. Timetables and real time. 28 (De Lijn) De eerste halte van 28 busroute is Gent Sint-Pietersstation Perron 12 en de laatste halte is Dendermonde Station Perron 3. Route planner; Stops; Lines; Network maps & platform layouts ; Dial-a-bus; Evening and night transport; Transport to events; The Coastal … From 4 May.

Cash is not be accepted on buses for the time being. Volg @delijn. Dienstregeling. Op Kaart Bekijken. 28 (Wegbeschrijving: Gent - Melle - Wetteren - … Suggestions appear when you start typing. Close. New connections with the metro; More attractive terminal; An improved service for Saint-Josse-ten-Noode and Square Ambiorix.
From Monday the 11th of May until July 2020. The new number 28 route will follow a new route between De Jamblinne De Meux and Gare Centrale [Central Station]. Select a suggestion using the arrow keys. Works & Disruptions.

De Lijn. …