9 july - 19 katholike geastliken út Gorkum tsjin it sin fan Prins Willem I fan Oranje-Nassau troch geuzen yn Den Briel martele en fermoarde.

On April 1, 1572, the ‘Watergeuzen’ defeated the Spaniards for the first time by capturing Brielle.
1572 MDLXXII : Ab urbe condita: ... 1 april - Ynname fan Den Briel troch de wettergeuzen. The Sea Beggars won their first victory over the Spaniards on 1 April 1572 with the capture of Brielle. The capture of Brielle, april 1 1572 Українська: Гравер Франс Гоґенберг( 1540—1590), офорт, до 1590 р., « Військове захоплення у іспанців міста Бріль повсталими вояками нідерландців» April 1, 1572. Find the perfect capture brielle 1572 stock photo. Brielle of Den Briel is e stedsje en 'n gemeinte in de Nederlandse provincie Zuid-Holland, op 't eiland Voorne-Putten, ten zuie vaan 't Rotterdams have-industriegebeed Europoort.De gemeinte had op 1 januari 2006 (perceis) 16.000 inwoeners en besleit 'n oppervlak vaan 31,12 km 2 (daovaan 3,63 km 2 water). Brielle (pronounced ()), also called Den Briel (Brill in English) is a town, municipality and historic seaport in the western Netherlands, in the province of South Holland, on the north side of the island of Voorne-Putten, at the mouth of the New Maas.The municipality covers an area of 31.14 km 2 (12.02 sq mi) of which 3.58 km 2 (1.38 sq mi) is water. 6 april - Vlissingen slút him spontaan oan by de opstân tsjin de Spanjerts.

No need to register, buy now! Historisch Museum Den Briel is housed in two historic buildings: the former state prison and weigh house and the town hall. In the museum the visitor relives the Eighty Years' War. This had a domino effect: various Dutch towns felt steeled in their battle against the Spanish oppressor. In ons restaurant kunt u onbeperkt van onze Tapas gerechtjes genieten met daarbij keus uit verschillende heerlijke Spaanse wijnen en onze vers gemaakte sangria. Proef de smaken van Spanje in Brielle bij Tapas Bar 1572. In the museum, the capture of Brielle is placed in the context of the Eighty Years' War.
Please practice hand-washing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. De gemeinte umvat neve de plaots Brielle ouch de dörper Vierpolders en Zwartewaal Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Capture of Den Briel, 1572 The capture of the Briel, takes place the first of April in the Jaere 1572 (title on object).

2017 Feb 23 - Geuzen voor Den Briel, Wikipedia - 1 april 1572 Stay safe and healthy.