This course will cover the field of biomarker discovery and the application of biomarkers in drug development and patient care to enable personalized medicine. Description. CS379A, Computational Drug Discovery, is given this quarter as a one time offering. Novomol is a Germany-based life science start-up company focused on the continued advancement of our completely novel groundbreaking computational EDEN platform to discover new safe and efficacious drugs. The Special Focus issue on computational chemistry and computer-aided drug discovery has aimed to assemble contributions covering a wide range of computational approaches with special relevance for medicinal chemistry and drug discovery, including new methodologies and practical applications [].In addition, this Special Focus issue has been thought to provide a forum for … Raju works at Division of Drug Discovery and Safety, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), Leiden University. The course is open to graduate students and upperclass undergraduates from all departments. Instructor: Guha Jayachandran, Background: Commercial databases of compounds have the limitation of representing only a small amount of the available chemical space. Description. 2019-2020. His research focused on the development of computational … Vak. Systems Pharmacology. In addition, the development of Personalised Drug Treatments is embedded in the Leiden university research profile Translational Drug Discovery and Development which is co-chaired by our group leader. Content / highlights / achievements Discovery studies: Because of … Since computational modelling approaches are increasingly important in disease and drug research, the first part of the minor focusses on modelling skills and computational thinking. Computational Drug Discovery. It’s important to distinguish between “computational drug discovery” and “computational chemistry.” There are now upwards of 120 startups out there working on various aspects of “computational drug discovery.” That is, they’re using new technologies like machine learning to improve the entire drug discovery process. Computational drug discovery is an effective strategy for accelerating and economizing drug discovery and development process. Computational Drug Discovery and Development (CD3) Course. In this respect, computational target prediction is used to identify the most probable targets of an orphan ligand or the most similar targets to a protein under investigation. Target deconvolution is a vital initial step in preclinical drug development to determine research focus and strategy. Leiden, 18-21 September 2018, 14th International Workshop on Global Optimization, LeGO , Leiden The Netherlands Brussels, September 13th, 2018: "Complexity and Geometry of Multicriteria Optimization", Operation Research Conference, MCE Conference Center, Brussels, September 13th 2018-2019. Once a computational hit identification method has produced compounds of usually low affinity, fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) is utilized for finding lead compounds as part of the drug discovery process. It meets Tuesdays at 10 A.M. in Clark S361. Principal institution: Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) Region: Global Subject/journal group: All The table to the right includes counts of all research outputs for Division of Drug Discovery and Safety, LACDR published between 1 December 2018 - 30 November 2019 which are tracked by the Nature Index.