Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi or Amerighi) was born in Milan, where his father, Fermo (Fermo Merixio), was a household administrator and architect-decorator to the Marchese of Caravaggio, a town not far from the city of Bergamo. His mother, Lucia Aratori (Lutia de Oratoribus), came from a propertied family of the same district. English version . Rome omstreeks 1600: de kosmopolitische arena van oude adel, eerzuchtige geestelijken, geniale kunstenaars en briljante geleerden, maar ook een stad van list en bedrog, straatvechters en prostituees. Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi or Amerighi) was born in Milan where his father, Fermo (Fermo Merixio), was a household administrator and architect-decorator to the Marchese of Caravaggio, a town not far from the city of Bergamo. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, poznatiji samo i kao Caravaggio (Milano 28. rujna 1571. Die Galleria Borghese beskik oor twintig kamers wat oor twee vloere of verdiepings versprei is. bio je talijanski slikar koji je radio u Rimu, Napulju, na Malti i na Siciliji između 1593. i 1610. godine. Caravaggio Uit het boek Wie is wie Lezing/cursus Verantwoording Gastenboek In de media Duizend levens Contact Foto's Links Bestel. Samenvatting . — Porto Ercole, 18. srpnja 1610.) Caravaggio-Bernini Gift ideas Living All Living Home decoration Delftware Tableware Kitchen Replicas Creative Books All Books Rembrandt Works of art in close-up Museum guides Catalogues Collection books Children's books Photography History Bulletin Prints All Prints Framed prints IXXI Canvas Posters Postcards Calendars Fashion All Fashion Caravaggio - Bernini Frits Scholten • Boek • hardback. Some chapters from the book translated by Hester Velmans [8] His mother, Lucia Aratori (Lutia de Oratoribus), came from a propertied family of the same district. BEING CARAVAGGIO by Margreet Hofland (original titlle: Het genie van Rome).