Paddenstoelen zijn onze passie. In Europa zijn we koploper in deze branche. Following the first tunnel development in Italy, Gerrit, a specialist in compost research, developed more detail about the tunnel process for the Dutch mushroom industry. ... lignin degrading mushrooms aims at providing research information and networking opportunities to professionals in the mushroom industry. The acquisition will enable CNC to strengthen its position in raw materials as well as accelerate its investment in a number of key areas in manufacturing. We produceren substraten (voedingsbodems) voor alle eetbare paddenstoelen die worden geteeld op hout of compost. You can grow dozens of different types of mushrooms on our wood and compost substrates. Mush Comb is an innovative company with the mission to support our mushroom, exotics and compost … CNC Exotic Mushrooms Mushrooms are our passion. CNC Grondstoffen processes more than 600,000 tons of horse manure, chicken manure and gypsum annually to create high quality compost, or substrate, used to grow mushrooms. CNC is a worldwide supplier of substrate for mushroom growing. We make deliveries in Belgium and the Netherlands, and we export our products to Germany, Poland, France, Costa Rica, Guatemala, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Malta, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel... all over the world! ; We are world leaders when it comes to expertise in producing mushroom substrates. The seminar will host top speakers from spawn, substrate and compost producers and research institutes. (2014) . Following the first tunnel development in Italy, Gerrit, a specialist in compost research, developed more detail about the tunnel process for the Dutch mushroom industry. But the proportion between the different components could vary if, for example, horse manure became too scarce. CNC Exotic Mushrooms; CNC Exotic Mushrooms. CNC is one of Europe’s largest suppliers of substrates for mushroom growing. CNC is one of Europe’s largest suppliers of compost and casing soil for mushroom growing.
Welcome at Coenegrachts Substraat. They produce more than 8000 tons of phase III compost a week. Wood substrates. These changes started to take place when three young mushroom growers from Mook set up the ‘Coöperatieve Nederlandse Champignonkwekersvereniging’ (Cooperative Dutch Mushroom Growers Association: CNC) in 1953. With our expertise, commitment and focus on results, we offer reliable, top-quality growing substrates and services for our customers. And because the world moves forward, we are constantly improving and enhancing our products and services. CNC Exotic Mushrooms. Expertise that we translate into value in our stable, reliable compost and high-quality casing soil. All our wood substrates are certified organic by Skal (