Katharina und Jakobus d. Ä. Kirschenmadonna (Links Hl. "Museum of Art History", also often referred to as the "Museum of Fine Arts") is an art museum in Vienna, Austria.Housed in its festive palatial building on Ringstraße, it is crowned with an octagonal dome.The term Kunsthistorisches Museum applies to both the institution and the main building. The Crowning with Thorns, c. 1603, by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum Inv. Nikolaus von Bari, Anastasia (? Beim Laden ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. An Evening with Caravaggio & Bernini. ), Ursula, Dominikus und (vom Rahmen überschnitten) Helena. no. (Photo of the ruins at Ephesos c. 1867 – c. 1898. Vienna museum's Caravaggio and Bernini catalogue presents the artist's studio as a theatrical site. Justina, von einem Stifter verehrt. Experience the art collection of the once-mighty Habsburg family at Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien See the world's biggest collection of paintings by 16th-century Dutch master Pieter Bruegel the Elder Get up close to masterpieces by Caravaggio, Titian, Peter Paul Rubens and more Courtesy of the Rijksmuseum) The Ephesos Museum displays some of the results of the archaeologists’ efforts, gifted to Austria by Sultan Abdul Hamid II of the Ottoman Empire at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition to its many famous paintings, the museum contains important collections of sculpture, Oriental art, and decorative arts. Joseph, rechts Johannesknabe und Hl. Peter Paul Rubens - Philip der Schöne - c 1618 - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Vienna [1127x1562] • Schicksal der irdischen Überreste Johannes d. Lukas malt die Madonna. Maria mit Kind und den Hll. The museum’s acquisitions are in the main a result of the rich accumulation of The Kunsthistorisches Museum (lit. L'edificio principale, sormontato da una cupola ottagonale alta 60 metri, si trova in Maria-Theresien-Platz, lungo la Ringstraße che circonda il distretto di Innere Stadt. Fehler! Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu. Kunsthistorisches Museum, (German: “Museum of Art History”) art museum in Vienna. Maria mit dem Kind und Hll. Il Kunsthistorisches Museum (in italiano "Museo della storia dell'arte"), che nel 2012 ha contato 1.351.940 visitatori, è uno dei principali musei di Vienna ed uno dei più antichi e ricchi al mondo. 307) It’s a style intended to evoke — and elicit — emotion. Sollte das Problem dauerhaft bestehen, wenden Sie sich bitte an info@khm.at. Enjoy an unforgettable evening at the Kunsthistorisches Museum during the Special Exhibition Caravaggio & Bernini, including a guided tour and champagne reception.A small gift for you will top off your visitor experience in the magnificent ambience of the Kunsthistorisches Museum.