Identification of potential drugs for treatment of hepatic lipidosis in cats ... Liver organoids can be used as an in vitro tool for drug testing in a species‐specific system and provide the basis for further clinical testing of drugs to treat steatosis ... (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht …
Get Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands fans for free on! De Voogt therefore refers to this sewer epidemiology as a ‘societal mirror’. This means that the sale of soft drugs in coffee shops is a criminal offence but the Public Prosecution Service does not prosecute coffee shops for this offence. Toleration policy regarding soft drugs. By sampling the influent of a sewage treatment plant the researchers are able to calculate, on the basis of the concentration of drugs or their conversion products that end up in urine and thus sewer water, the total ‘load’ of drugs in a city. Contemporary Dutch drug policy is a product of many long-term political, demographic and social changes that have taken place in the Netherlands since the nation's first drug law was enacted in 1919. It takes too long to develop and will be too expensive. The 1972 state commission’s recommendations still form the basis of this drugs policy in which the government’s role is seen as preventing people – particularly young people – from starting to use drugs without knowing enough about them, while providing treatment for those who develop drug problems. (Utrecht: Trimbos Institute, Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and ... a.o. The Netherlands drug situation 2011: report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point. Personalised medicine produced in a “Bionexpresso” In the current pharmaceutical model personalised medication designed for a specific individual patient will never be possible. The Netherlands has a policy of toleration regarding soft drugs.