The Basilica stands near the west corner of the Forum and is the oldest and most important public building in Pompeii.

In seiner etwa siebenhundertjährigen Geschichte wurde … Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4.

History A basilica is a large, important church.The word can also be used for an Ancient Roman building that was used for law and meetings. [2011] 25,440) lies to the east and contains the Basilica of Santa Maria del Rosario, a pilgrimage centre. A Roman basilica was a large public building where business and legal matters were discussed. Basilika (von altgriechisch βασιλικὴ στοά basiliké stoá, deutsch ‚Königshalle‘, lateinisch basilica domus) war ursprünglich der Name großer, für Gerichtssitzungen und Handelsgeschäfte (z.

Basilica. Inspiration may have come from prototypes like Athens's Stoa Basileios or the hypostyle hall on Delos, but the architectural form is most derived from the audience halls in the royal palaces of the Diadochi kingdoms of the Hellenistic period. Another early example is the basilica at Pompeii (late 2nd century BC). As early as the time of Augustus, a public basilica for transacting business had been part of any settlement that considered itself a city, used in the same way as the covered market houses of late medieval … The word "basilica" is Latin which was taken from the Greek "Basiliké Stoà".. Nowadays the word is used in three ways: A Roman Catholic church that has been given the right to use that name, by the Pope.Only some large important churches have …

Excavated 1806, 1813, 1820, 1928, 1942, 1950. The first basilicas had no religious function at all.

Architecture The Roman basilica was a large public building where business or legal matters could be transacted. Pompeya [a] fue una ciudad de la Antigua Roma ubicada junto con Herculano y otros lugares más pequeños en la región de Campania, cerca de la moderna ciudad de Nápoles y situados alrededor de la bahía del mismo nombre en la Ciudad metropolitana de Nápoles.. Fue enterrada por la violenta erupción del Vesubio el 24 de agosto del año 79, aunque hay pruebas que … Er zijn slechts vier kerken met de titel basilica maior (grote basiliek). VIII.1.1 Pompeii. Mau gives a description of the Basilica and reconstruction drawings. Measuring 24 x 65 metres, it was built between 120 and 78 B.C. Basilica: porch preceding the building and detail of one of its columns.

In de Katholieke Kerk is basiliek (basilica) tevens een eretitel voor bijzondere kerkgebouwen.Het gebouw hoeft geen basiliek te zijn in architectonische zin, ook andere kerktypen komen voor deze titel in aanmerking.

Pompeii a fost un oraș roman în apropierea orașului Napoli, în regiunea Campania din Italia. and is the best example in Pompeii of pre-Roman architecture.