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noun, plural B's or Bs, b's or bs. In some other languages, it is used to represent other bilabial consonants. It represents the voiced bilabial stop in many languages, including English. Thank you for joining the B&H email list! Medical Definition of B (Entry 2 of 3) : the one of the four ABO blood groups characterized by the presence of antigens designated by the letter B and by the presence of antibodies against the … Speed up future orders, see order history, create wish lists, and more. B - a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of a yellow or brown powder Create a B&H Account Deal Zone Alerts Weekly B&H Newsletter. Bing helps you turn information into action, making it faster and easier to go from searching to doing.

B or b (pronounced /biː/ BEE) is the second letter of the Latin-script alphabet. Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. Sign Up The email address you entered was an invalid email. any spoken sound represented by the letter B or b, as in bid, bauble, or daubed. You can't undo it. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Charges refer to the value of goods being delivered and excludes delivery from stores or services. the second letter of the English alphabet, a consonant. Free delivery over £50 refers to standard home delivery orders placed on only.