By Issue Date; Authors; Titles; Keywords Submit a new item to this collection Return to your last Submission(s) Most popular publications. The Arts and Culture research master at Leiden University is unique in offering a two-year programme that integrates art history and theory with literary studies and media studies.. An international focus. Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Arts and Culture Interested? REQUEST Course Information. The Visualization of Cultural Identity in …

Arts and Culture Leiden Repository. LAK courses are open to anyone aged 17 or older. Leiden Repository consists of a number of repositories for Leiden University and institutes affiliated to the university. Study an MA in Arts and Culture at Leiden University. Please visit the website for prospective students. You will be studying art and architecture that played a crucial role in cultural exchange, as well as international networks of artists, architects and patrons.

Arts and Culture. You learn to consider modern art and design as links between media, cultures and communities. Search within this collection: Advanced Search.

You can find information on your schedule by looking under your faculty or study programme tab.

EU Fees EUR 2,143. Master Thesis (18 EC) The programme culminates in the Master’s thesis, which gives you a chance to demonstrate your research skills, your competence as a critic, and your ability to systematically gather, select and interpret information and to argue a case in an independent, objective and responsible manner. Art, Architecture and Interior before 1800; Art of the Contemporary World and World Art Studies; Museums and Collections; Website for enrolled students. The repositories are divided into collections for various domains.
The LAK offers a range of courses in the arts, for example courses in drama, dance, drawing, painting, singing, photography and literature.

At the end of your LAK course in dance, singing or drama you can take part in a final show held at a local theatre. Arts and leisure. Browse by. We research nature in order to preserve biodiversity. Through our impressive collection, knowledge and data, we record all life on Earth.

Arts and Culture Leiden Repository. They contain both publications by scholars and student theses.

Specialisations. Arts and Culture (research) Subject Arts, Culture.

Study a MA Arts and Culture (research) at Leiden University. This is important, as our future depends on biodiversity.