특히 우리 한인들에게 잘 알려진 라스베가스 부페는 더욱 더 유명합니다. 한길 건너 부페 집이라 해도 과언이 아닐 정도로 부페 비지니스는 활성화 되고 있습니다. ALL I EAT IS PIZZA Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na I’VE GOT CHEESE ON MY FINGERS I’VE GOT CHEESE ON MY FINGERS ALL THE TIME. 다른 집이 $9.99, $12.99, or $17.99 정도씩 하는것 보면 꽤 비싼편 맞습니다.ㅠ 저도 누가 사준다고 하지 않으면 선뜻 못가겠더군요. 우국 all you can eat bbq 메뉴입니다.

All-You-Can-Eat로 칭하는 부페 비지니스가 미국에서 성행을 하고 있습니다. There is also a beef and pork course for 3,200 yen, a beef tongue course for ¥ 3,800, and finally a special Japanese black beef course for ¥ 4,800.

18 종류에 $24.99 ! ;; Meet a modern hero of our times, a man so lazy he decided to quit his job and just spend his life inside an All-you-can-eat diner. As years go by, his freeloading nature becomes legend, but then a tragedy occurs - the diner is about to close down! If grilled meat isn’t your thing, and you’re looking for a slightly healthier option, then head to Shabu-Shabu Retasu for all-you-can-eat shabu-shabu deals. There are four different courses to choose from. The pork-only course costs ¥ 2,800.