You can also add information on Michelin restaurants, tourist attractions or hotels in Heerhugowaard or Alkmaar. Trains from Heerhugowaard to Alkmaar: all train connections all times all prices Find the cheapest tickets for all cities online. Voorzieningen in de trein; Bagage; Stationsinformatie; Alles... Reizen met een OV-chipkaart. Heerhugowaard railway station serves the towns of Heerhugowaard and Broek op Langedijk, Netherlands.The station opened on 20 December 1865 and is located on the Den Helder–Amsterdam railway and Heerhugowaard–Hoorn railway.The train services are operated by Nederlandse Spoorwegen.. De treinen rijden weer normaal rond 22:45 uur.” “ @TreinAlert Tussen Heerhugowaard en Hoorn zijn de beperkingen voorbij.

Choose one of the following options for the Heerhugowaard to Alkmaar route: Michelin recommended, quickest, shortest or economical. The station opened on 20 December 1865 and is located on the Den Helder–Amsterdam railway.The train services are operated by Nederlandse Spoorwegen and it is an Intercity station, where all trains stop. Trains from Heerhugowaard to Den Helder: all train connections all times all prices Find the cheapest tickets for all cities online.

Heerhugowaard to Alkmaar route planner Get the best route from Heerhugowaard to Alkmaar with ViaMichelin. Train Station in Alkmaar, Noord-Holland Foursquare uses cookies to provide you with an optimal experience, to personalize ads that you may see, and to help advertisers measure the results of their ad campaigns. De vertraging neemt af. The station was known as Heerhugowaard-Broek op Langedijk … In- en uitchecken; Saldo laden; Samenreiskorting; Online kaartje kopen; Fiets in de trein; Alles... Bijzondere trajecten. Book now! Alkmaar railway station serves the town of Alkmaar, Netherlands.It is located approximately 40 km northwest of Amsterdam. Book now!