Transcription . Octav art d nta Intestnl- do r u doc tor Ped u o n damete afl inistro Vasconc de $ 6. On the downside, the Fund's healthcare and consumer staples holdings dragged on returns as investors generally shunned more defensive positions. phim Comments . 0,lo000n 4.0 npuadoy deprnahao emclin articslp do no dor o Jurs d-eior Ramon Vasrcorls. Addresses From PHIM Edited - Free ebook download as Excel Spreadsheet (.xls), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. STOXX Global 3000. download Report . Within the discretionary space, higher end retailers and hotel names added to gains. r despacho lean r Co5te0 LusT Viamontr e y Monusel "i tF ,' ayr ron el director ie Contabmil- rEl Mistro elami el nfIe crz0 ite n 3 Putologia Cliniera der .-om ,