Route 3 Km 144.2, Guayama, PR, 00784, USA Baxter Oncology GmbH 3002806419 ... 4376 Alexander Boulevard NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, USA 3010823774 ... State Road 933 KM 0.1 Mamey Ward, Gurabo, Puerto Rico, 00778, PRI Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc. 2242843 Find the Radio Data analysis & compilation of Generic Drug User Fee Act Facility Payment List as of Nov 3, 2017 on Soyuz TM-11 Mir Expedition EO-8. Vlucht informatie: Vluchtdatum: 04/06/2015: Weersomstandigheden: Clear # deelnemers: 46: Afstand: 105.885 km - 144.966 km # duiven: 1663 # views: 803 Vlucht informatie: Vluchtdatum: 11/06/2014: Weersomstandigheden:-# deelnemers: 37: Afstand: 105.885 km - 144.966 km # duiven: 1353 # views: 847 Oregon State University - Beaver Yearbook (Corvallis, OR), Class of 1964, Cover | has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university, high school, middle school, junior high school, military, naval cruise books and yearbooks. The launch was funded jointly with the private Japanese company TBS. Search and browse yearbooks online! crew of V M Afanasyev, M Kh Manarov was transported to the Mir orbital station by Soyuz TM-11, together with T Akiyama (Japan) for the purpose of carrying out joint work with the cosmonauts G M Manakov and G M Strekalov.