Using a nautical mile of exactly 1 852 meters. How many kilometers per hour in 81 knots: If v kn = 81 then v km/h = 1.852 × 81 = 150.012 km/h.
1 meter/second is equal to 3.6 km/h, or 1.9438444924406 knots. Eine Seemeile ist exakt 1.852 Meter lang. 1 kilometers per hour are equal to 1.852 knots.
Kilometer pro Stunde.
Knoten basieren auf dem Längemaß Seemeile oder nautische Meile.
Umgekehrt sind also 1 km/h 0,5399568035 kn. An object travelling at one knot is covering the distance of one nautical mile in one hour.
Kilometres Per Hour to Knots (or just enter a value in the "to" field) Please share if you found this tool useful: Tweet. How to convert knots to kilometers per hour [kn to km/h]:. We assume you are converting between kilometre/hour and knot. Dies ist eine Messung der Geschwindigkeit, die typischerweise in Ländern mit dem metrischen System für den Transport verwendet wird. Note: Knot is a metric unit of speed.Kilometer per hour is a metric unit of speed.
Knots (kn) Kilometres Per Hour (km/h) Precision: Reverse conversion?
Convert 1.1 Knots to Kilometers/Hour (kn to km/h) with our conversion calculator and conversion tables. ›› Quick conversion chart of knots to km/h. You can view more details on each measurement unit: km/h or knots The SI derived unit for speed is the meter/second. Something traveling at one kilometer per hour is traveling about 0.278 meters per second, or about 0.621 miles per hour. Use this page to learn how to convert between knots and kilometers/hour. To convert 1.1 kn to km/h use direct conversion formula below.
Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Ein Knoten ist damit eine Seemeile pro Stunde - also umgerechnet 1,852 km/h.
1 meter/second is equal to 1.9438444924406 knots, or 3.6 km/h.
1 knots to km/h = 1.852 km/h Learn how to convert from knots to km/h and what is the conversion factor as well as the conversion formula. Die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen der Strassen sind in Kilometer pro Stunde angegeben, die als kph oder km / h abgekürzt sind. You also can convert 1.1 Knots to other Speed (popular) units. v km/h = 1.852 × v kn. Unit Descriptions; 1 Knot: 1 NM/h. A kilometer per hour is a unit of speed.
1.1 kn = 2.0370370352772 km/h.
The answer is 1.852. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. How many kilometers per hour in a knot: If v kn = 1 then v km/h = 1.852 × 1 = 1.852 km/h. How many km/h in 1 knots? Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!