A New Dawn

A New Dawn

 A New Year is always ushered in with celebration, not of the year past, but of the possibilities before us.

The past year may have had beyond its fair share of trails and tribulations, of strife and suffering, of despair and disdain. It may have been challenging to see beyond the failures, the hatred and the scepticism.

Let us however, reflect on the moments we are grateful for. The success, the love, the thoughts and moments of joy, however minuscule or momentous. These more than anything should serve as the inspiration for what lies ahead. 

As the date changes, nothing may change around us. But within us, we use this as an opportunity to start anew, to wipe the slate clean and surge forward with renewed optimism. Inspired by all things good, let’s aspire for a beginning that’s filled with love, success and joy.

31 December, 2015 no comments Read
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